V2 Properties Newsletter Volume 10, Issue 2

February 2020

Exponential Insights

Properties At A Glance

  • 5
    Currently Under Contract
  • 26
    Awaiting Building Permits
  • 7
    Sold In Last 30 days
  • 0
    Scheduled To Sell In Next 30 days

Hello from Vince

2020—Challenges and Opportunities

It’s hard to believe but we are already halfway through the first quarter of 2020. We are proud to report we are off to a great start this year, since January 1st, we have put 17 houses under contract, that’s just a phenomenal way to start a new year!

We are also in a great position as the spring real estate selling season is just about to get started, we will have more than 15 new homes completed and on the market in the coming weeks. This is important as our realtors continue to tell us housing inventories remain low across the city. The combination of low inventories, low interest rates and a number of our properties hitting the market in the coming weeks is the perfect recipe for success for V2 Properties for the Spring of 2020—and hopefully for the entire year!

With all of that good news, this year will present some challenges for the V2 Properties team as well as the entire Philadelphia real estate market. The most significant change will the changes to the tax abatement, effective January 1st, 2021 the abatement will be reduced to 50% of it’s current value. What will this mean to V2 Properties? We want to get as many building permits approved in 2020 as possible and submit applications for tax abatements this year while the current policy is in place.

Key 2020 Metrics

  • Home Sales = 90.

  • V2 rental portfolio = 75 units.

  • $35 MM in Sales Revenue.

  • 16% ROI.

  • We expect to keep our flawless track record and deliver 100% of expected investor returns!

Vince Viney, Founder & President

Press links

Where Are Our Projects

In the Pipeline
Phase 1 - Foundation & Framing
Phase 2 - Mechanicals & Insulation
Phase 3 - Final Finishes
On the Market
Under Contract

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Under Contract

On The Market

In The Pipeline
