V2 Properties Newsletter Volume 10, Issue 11

November 2020

Exponential Insights

Properties At A Glance

  • 8
    Currently Under Contract
  • 32
    Awaiting Building Permits
  • 6
    Sold In Last 30 days
  • 0
    Scheduled To Sell In Next 30 days

Much to Give Thanks For!

There have been far too many times this year where we commented in our newsletter what a strange and challenging year 2020 has been, as we approach the end of 2020 and look forward to 2021, we want to focus on all of the positives from this past year, there are certainly a wide variety of things to be THANKFUL for V2 Properties.

Investors— The backbone of our business and you have stood by us, there certainly were a lot of questions and concerns when the COVID lockdown hit in March, but the support from our investors has not waivered and has been nothing short of amazing. We sincerely appreciate it!

Banks / Lenders— With all of the uncertainty of the real estate markets we expected more challenges obtaining money to build our homes. That has not been the case, while there has definitely been more questions and scrutiny regarding loan terms we have not lost any relationships with the banks we have worked with over the last eight years as a result of COVID.

Home Sales— We expect to sell about 90 homes by the end of the year. Which is great considering almost 3 months of downtime!

We have been able to produce consistently strong results, even through the many challenges we have faced this year as well as prior years—who knows what next year will bring, but we have a proven track record of success and that will continue for many, many years!

Vince Viney, President & Founder

Press links

Where Are Our Projects

In the Pipeline
Phase 1 - Foundation & Framing
Phase 2 - Mechanicals & Insulation
Phase 3 - Final Finishes
On the Market
Under Contract

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Under Contract

On The Market

In The Pipeline
