V2 Properties Newsletter Volume 12, Issue 4

April 2022

Exponential Insights

Properties At A Glance

  • 8
    Currently Under Contract
  • 32
    Awaiting Building Permits
  • 6
    Sold In Last 30 days
  • 0
    Scheduled To Sell In Next 30 days


YES - you read right, we are “On our way to Ventnor and Margate”. To be more specific, we are on the way to becoming the BIGGEST HOME DEVELOPER at the Jersey Shore!

After tons of research, it has become apparent Ventnor and Margate are growing in popularity. Still feeling the effects of COVID-19, the “shoobies” (as the locals call the “summer only residents”) are selling their primary homes and becoming full-time residents. Others are purchasing a beach property for the first time. Margate and Ventnor offer plenty of quiet places for fishermen/women to drop a line. Not into fishing? How about a low-key day with the family touring Lucy the Elephant? And of course, you have the option of a night on the town in super close Atlantic City enjoying a great meal or trying your luck at the blackjack table.

New Homeowners = great business opportunities, and so business owners from New York are expanding or moving to Margate and Ventnor. Below in our press release section, you can read an article from the Philadelphia Inquirer that outlines this trend. All this activity is confirming that we are right where we need to be.

To support V2 Properties increased activity in New Jersey, we recently opened an office/store front in Ocean City. Part of the space is a dedicated “showroom” so Homeowners can come in and view tile, hardwood, and automation samples. Allowing homebuyers to customize their new home at the shore is another way we stand out in a crowd and guarantee happy V2 Properties homeowners!

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the 5th Annual V2 Properties “Exponentially Better Madness” NCAA Bracket Challenge and congratulate this year’s winners:

1st Place – iFund Cities 
2nd Place – Marc Bassler 
3rd Place – Joe Imhof 
4th Place – Larry Berran 

It’s always exciting to follow the leaderboard and watch it change hands so many times. We were thrilled to see how many people participated this year and absolutely cannot wait for next year’s “Exponentially Better Madness” NCAA Bracket Challenge!

Vince Viney, Founder and President

Press links

Where Are Our Projects

In the Pipeline
Phase 1 - Foundation & Framing
Phase 2 - Mechanicals & Insulation
Phase 3 - Final Finishes
On the Market
Under Contract

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Under Contract

On The Market

In The Pipeline
