V2 Properties Newsletter Volume 13, Issue 4

April 2023

Exponential Insights

Properties At A Glance

  • 8
    Currently Under Contract
  • 32
    Awaiting Building Permits
  • 8
    Sold In Last 30 days
  • 0
    Scheduled To Sell In Next 30 days

March Madness Winners Announcement

What an exciting year for our 6th Annual V2 Properties “Exponentially Better MADNESS” NCAA Bracket Challenge! Thank you to everyone who participated and CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s winners!

In first place we have Brett Dunlop – Winning a total of $660!!

In second place, the beautiful Colleen Groff – winning a total of $165!!

In third place we have our project manager Rob Dewey – Winning a total of $99!

And last but certainly not least, Harold Donovan – Winning a total of $66!

Philadelphia & New Jersey Home Updates

Our time as builders in Philadelphia is quickly coming to an end, with only 12 projects left under construction. It is bittersweet as we leave the city, but we know that we’re moving on to big and better things! All 12 projects are halfway or more to being complete. Mike Bray and Ryan Stec are the last two construction managers in Philly and with the help of our Carpenters, Field Operations Managers, and Laborers, they have been doing a phenomenal job getting things done. The same can be said for our New Jersey team. It was a seamless transition into the shore because of how diligently our team has been working. With our processes getting better and better every single day, there is nothing that can stop us! Keep up the amazing work everyone!

Shoemaker Lumber Company

There is exciting news for one of the local hardware and lumber companies we work with in Ocean City. Shoemaker Lumber Co. has been around for over a century, and now has plans to vamp up their business in a BIG way! The company plans to build a brand-new commercial space and lumber storage area to better serve the community.

Shoemaker’s team is an absolute pleasure to work with and we are so excited to see all the success this new development will bring their business! You can check out the full article in the links below!

Thanks for reading exponential insights

Don't forget to check out our featured property this month, 3309-11 Haven Avenue in Ocean City, New Jersey. A beautiful multi-family home just blocks from the beach!

Thank you for taking the time to read Exponential Insights.

Vince Viney, Founder & President

Press links

Where Are Our Projects

In the Pipeline
Phase 1 - Foundation & Framing
Phase 2 - Mechanicals & Insulation
Phase 3 - Final Finishes
On the Market
Under Contract

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Under Contract

On The Market

In The Pipeline
